There are no upcoming events scheduled right now. But please check out the recordings below if you would like to hear some more of my work. 


"Conarchy" from The Saints of Capitalism

The Saints of Capitalism Book Trailer Featuring "Hangover"

"Track 16" from Soundtrack to a Fleeting Masculinity

"Track 80" from Soundtrack to a Fleeting Masculinity

"The bookshelf" from Dinner Table Refuge

"Song of a sweatshop worker" from The global conspiracy to get you in bed


Speaking with DJ Daphne on The Poetry Show, March 2022.

Speaking with Steve Nebel at Sound Poetry, January 2022.

Speaking with Todd Sullivan, September 2021.

Speaking with Tyler Davis Jones on the Rise Seattle Podcast, April 2019.

Appearing with G. G. Silverman to speak with Bryan Edenfield on the Glossophonics Radio Program, February 2019.